Friday, June 29, 2012

1 year old update

Did I really just type that? 1 year old! Even though it's already been 2 weeks since Reagan's 1st birthday, I still cannot believe she is already 1 year old.  Time really goes too fast.  Here is what she is up to as a 1 YEAR OLD...

cooking with Mommy

riding in her new car

sidewalk chalk


Rocking and Reading

Sand play time

Morning Cartoons



Park fun

Loves books!

Water Play

Reagan and I have enjoyed our first month home together this summer.  I can already start to tell that August is going to be hard for the both of us.  At least she will be with some of her little friends at PCA, which will be a lot of fun for her!

Her little personality is really starting to come out.  This month I have learned...

-Reagan loves to eat.  The Dr. said it's not that she is obsessed with food she is just enjoying new tastes and flavors.

-She loves all of her blankies.  She might have 2 in her hand, but you better not think twice about saying one of them is "yours".

-Reagan is addicted to her paci.  My plan for the summer was to try to get her to just using the paci for nap and night time, but as her molars have been coming in, she likes to have the paci for comfort.  Plus, my Mom said it might be best if we just quit it cold turkey when we do take it away.

-I'm starting to see a preview of what the "terrible two's" are going to be like.  Our sweet girl can have a temper sometimes.  Especially now that she wants to be more independent.  We're having to learn what she wants to do herself.

-She can be a little daredevil.  Now that she has two rocking chairs she likes to climb up and stand in them. She also likes to climb onto furniture.

-Reagan likes to cuddle more the older she gets.  Give her a paci and blankie when she is sleepy and she will sit for a long time in your arms.

-We took her to the doctor on June 18 and found out she is 31 inches and weighs 23 lbs.  Far cry from our 5 lb 10 oz baby girl that she was at birth.

-She is saying "dada", "hi", "doh"(dog), 'bubu" (our nickname for Hector is "BuhBuh"), "nana" and "mama".

-No official walking yet, but she stands unassisted for a while.  If I am close by she will take one small step towards me and then fall into my arms.  Yea, I could be upset that she isn't walking yet because some babies her age are walking, but I know every baby develops on their own time.  I know when she starts walking, life will get even busier!

It's been a FUN summer so far and I know even more fun times are ahead...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Eve!

As I sit here on the night before your 1st birthday, I am overcome with so many emotions (anticipation of your special day, excitement for the journeys we will have over the next year, nostalgia for the tiny little miracle you were at birth, pride as I watch you develop and grow right before my eyes, and so much happiness having you in our life).  I can't help but think about exactly what I was doing at this moment last year.  At this moment last year, I had no idea how the next 24 hours would unfold...

Your PaPa had started a new job that had him traveling more during the week.  He was working for a few weeks in Charlotte, so he decided to stay with us while he was working there.  We jokingly told KayKay she was going to have to drive to RH all by herself if you decided to come while PaPa was here.  Your MawMaw also told us for several weeks that she just new that you were going to be born on a full moon. It was almost as if we all knew you would come at 37 weeks and 6 days.

While PaPa was staying with us, I cooked dinner for us.  I made this new recipe that I had found that had lower sodium (the Dr. said it would help with swelling).  It was okay, not great though.  After dinner, we watched a little tv, but nothing good was on it seemed.  We all ate an ice cream sandwich before bed.  We went to bed around 10:30, PaPa slept on an air mattress in the living room.  I laid in the bed, but couldn't go to sleep, mostly because I was very uncomfortable.

After laying there for about an hour, I decided to get out of bed so I didn't keep your Daddy up.  I went and laid on the floor in your room.  While laying there my water broke (I will explain that to you a LONG way down the road).  I woke your Daddy up and we rushed around to get to the hospital.  We woke PaPa up and all climbed into the Explorer.  PaPa called KayKay to tell her she was going to have to make the journey to RH by herself.  Your Daddy called MawMaw, GrandDaddy, and Uncle Cory.  GrandDaddy was in Greenwood for the night, so he would be driving 2 hours to get to the hospital.  MawMaw and Uncle Cory didn't believe him at first.  It was after midnight by this point. I could go into detail about these conversations (quite humorous), but I will let them tell you one day.

Your Daddy sped to the hospital and even put on the flashers.  When we got to the hospital, Uncle Cory and Aunt Kristin were already there.  They lived farther from the hospital than us.  I still don't know how they made it there so fast.  Once we get to the hospital and they check everything out, we find out my water had in fact broken, but I was nowhere near being close to having you.  Dr said they would monitor me overnight, but to get some rest and they would give me pitocin (another thing I will tell you a long way down the road) at 5am.  Get some rest, yea right.  I was so excited, anxious, nervous! Not to mention, we had all rushed to the hospital as soon as my water broke (Mommy, Daddy, PaPa, MawMaw, Uncle Cory, Aunt Kristin, GrandDaddy, and KayKay).  We were too "keyed" up to sleep!

At 5am, they started the pitocin, and the contractions started soon after.  They didn't get really painful until around 11am.  Your Mommy tried to endure the pain as long as she could, but decided to get an epidural (again, LONG way from now) around noon.  The Dr kept checking me throughout the afternoon and every time it felt like it was never going to be time to help you enter the world.  I kept snacking on ice because that's all I was allowed to eat.  I hadn't eaten since that "okay, but not great dinner" and ice cream sandwich before bed.  STARVING!

Around 6pm, the Dr checked everything out and said it was time to start getting ready to deliver.  We were ready! All of the family (except your Daddy) left the room and anxiously waited in the waiting room.  What a great team we were in that room (the nurse, Dr, your Daddy, Mommy, and you).  Your Daddy was such a great coach for Mommy.  He held my hand and counted with me with every push.  He was as ready as I was, I think!  The Dr said at one point I had a vein sticking out in my forehead during the pushing.

After 2 hours of pushing (around 8:30pm), the Dr explained that we could continue trying, but that he thought it would be best if we delivered you through a C-section (LONG way from now).  I was disappointed, but I wanted to do what was best for your delivery.

At exactly, 9:29pm on June 15, you were brought into this world. You were 20 inches long and weighed 5 lbs 10 oz. Hard to believe you were so small because now you are wearing size 4 diapers. You were so tiny that preemie diapers fit you.  I can still remember the first time I saw you.  The Dr held you up so your Daddy and I could see.  You looked just like I had pictured in my mind.  Jet black hair and olive complexion.  It was at that moment that I realized you weren't crying.  I kept asking the Dr why you weren't crying.  Mommy was so worried about you.  Daddy was too, but he was trying to keep his composure for Mommy.  The nurses took you into the other room (Daddy went along) and hooked you up to oxygen.  After 5 minutes you took your first breath and begin to cry.  It was the best sound I had ever heard! The pediatrician later explained that you were probably worn out from the long delivery and all the work you had been doing in the last 24 hours.

Of course, Daddy went and shared the good news with everyone anxiously awaiting in the hospital.  Everyone was so excited and exhausted, just like Daddy, Mommy, and YOU.  But we were so happy to have you join our family.

Ever since that moment, our lives have been forever changed.  You have brought so much joy and happiness into our lives over the past year.  365 days of love, laughter, craziness, changes, etc.  We can't wait to celebrate your special day with you tomorrow.  You have a busy weekend ahead of you, I hope you are ready! ;) Ohhh and if you see Mommy tearing up any tomorrow, I'm not sad.  I'm proud of the little person you are becoming and of how far you have come in just one year.  We love you baby girl!